Dedicated to sifting through the detritus accumulated in my studio life, Studio Debris
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Cringe-city in bitter-cold land, but Happy 2009 nonetheless! Occupying the coldest corner of the house, my modest home office hasn't seen much action lately; as I've been waylaid into a new roster of activities over the past six weeks or so.
During this time, due to said "new roster of activities", a.k.a:
I have not managed to do the usual things expected of me, a.k.a:
I'm taking advantage of today's ungodly low temperatures to hone in on the Studio Debris bit. For those of you who attended my final open studios in Hyde Park, it was great to share that with you! Please wish extra green thoughts for Henry the stick plant. Henry did not appreciate being moved from his 8-year windowlit perch during a blizzard, being a pencil cactus and all...I'm afraid he may be on his way to the big garden in the sky! :(
Generally, when my blog posts slow to a trickle, my readers can surmise one of the following logical reasons for my rare silence:
a) I'm deep in deadline mode for my next contributed artscope articles
b) The plague has infiltrated my castle, and I am fighting it tooth and nail with "crazy tea" and sharpened blade
In this case, the reason for my rare silence is: c), which is good news for everybody! Readers, now you can sign up to receive my shiny, tasty newsletter: Meredith Cutler Studio News.
This opt-in newsletter provides periodic updates from my very own art studio, including: event and exhibit invitations, sneak-previews of new work and exclusive special offers. Sign up using the easy, online form, and I promise to send you only the very best and most relevant of announcements. Click here for a preview of my latest newsletter.
If keeping up with STUDIO DEBRIS postings is more your M.O., subscribe to my rss feed using the reader of your choice.
As we've seen before, all campaign promises are made to be tested, but I thought I'd share this fact sheet from Obama's campaign website stating his plan for nourishing the arts. In the face of the mountain of work that needs to be done in the wake of our financial tsunami, I'd take the impressive hit list with a grain of salt. However, Obama and Biden have laid it on the table, so feel comfortable holding this new administration to task. We voted, but it doesn't end at the polls.
Image: "Yes We Did - Victory" poster by Shephard Fairey for
Imagine...a United States with fair IRS tax law for artists, the arts a funded and revitalized pivotal force in our public schools and health care for all...
Thanks to my pal Heather for sharing the link to the Obama / Biden Platform for the Arts.
Hi there Little Rhody artist/designer/craftsperson. Looking for a way to attract local art lovers and businesses to your portfolio of work? The Providence Chamber of Commerce is now accepting ongoing submissions of Providence-related artwork in all media for display on their website in a juried banner space.
It's a little out of the ordinary, as far as "exhibiting opportunities" go, but it's free to apply, and all you have to do is send an electronic image of your work in their required format. From the call:
"All submissions must be in an electronic form (hard copies and originals will not be accepted) and emailed to Artist Name, Email / Web Link, Medium, and Phone Number must be included in the submission. Submitted images must fill a space of 300 pixels high X 550 pixels wide at a resolution of 72 ppi. If the submitted work is selected for display, the artist will have to fill out a release form (that will be supplied) before the work is exhibited."
The next round of submissions is due by October 22nd, with accepted entries to be published on the site from November 1, 2008 - January 1, 2009. Students are welcome to apply, and all winning entries will entitle the artist to display their contact info on the site for the duration of the "show". Good luck!
This just in from the wire: The South Shore Art Center is currently accepting entries for its upcoming National Drawing Show, celebrating the diversity and range of drawing as an art form. This show will be juried by Rachel Rosenfield Lato, the DeCordova Museum and Sculpture Park's Director of Curatorial Affairs. Click here for a downloadable prospectus. Entries are due October 1st. Hup! Hup!
Above: Sequence Block 5, Mixed-media drawing by Meredith Cutler