Dedicated to sifting through the detritus accumulated in my studio life, Studio Debris
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I've been really terrible about posting lately, which has a lot to do with the shoddy state of connectivity along my daily paths. No iphone, no reliable wireless at the studio, (and blogging at work is only okay when you're blogging about work, for work - which is of high probability in my near future, dig?)
The good news is that I'm finally, almost 100% set up at my new studio. I've lightened up considerably along the way, (tightening up my footprint by about 60%) and my studiomate, the very talented Anna Shapiro, is making me feel right at home. Here are some photos of my cozy half of our shared studio:
I used to overlook just the Boston-Providence railroad I overlook the Providence-NY railroad corridor, AND traffic on Route 6. Across the highway, Federal Hill and my favorite bakery, Pastiche.
The bad news? "Henry the enormous stick plant" died a horrible, dry-rot death due to exposure suffered during our blizzardy move. The good news? Anna brought "Twiggy the pencil cactus" into our studio to help me feel more at home. Merely a piece of his parent plant at the Steelyard, I wonder if he will grow to be an 8-foot tall, pointy fractal behemouth, like poor old Henry...
Cringe-city in bitter-cold land, but Happy 2009 nonetheless! Occupying the coldest corner of the house, my modest home office hasn't seen much action lately; as I've been waylaid into a new roster of activities over the past six weeks or so.
During this time, due to said "new roster of activities", a.k.a:
I have not managed to do the usual things expected of me, a.k.a:
I'm taking advantage of today's ungodly low temperatures to hone in on the Studio Debris bit. For those of you who attended my final open studios in Hyde Park, it was great to share that with you! Please wish extra green thoughts for Henry the stick plant. Henry did not appreciate being moved from his 8-year windowlit perch during a blizzard, being a pencil cactus and all...I'm afraid he may be on his way to the big garden in the sky! :(
Every time December comes around I feel like a piece of pulled taffy. There are so many things on my "to-do" list, and so many events and invitations piling up! I'm feeling the full plate pain a little extra this year, but that's not stopping me from piling it a little higher with a new job, projects and events.
Fill your plate and cross some holiday shopping items off of your to-do list THIS WEEKEND at Hyde Park Open Studios. Visit me at 65 Sprague Street, 2nd Floor, Studio #4 (rear window) and get an exclusive look at my magical workspace. After 8 long years of managing this multi-use studio, I'm moving it all down to Providence.
To save myself some packing drama, I'm offering special pricing on all of my archived artwork, '07-'08 jewelry from Crostini, and a nice selection of unique studio supplies. Come meet me and Henry the ginormous stick plant (then tell me how I'm supposed to move him, he's 10 feet tall...)
With over 80 local artists participating, it's sure to be an exciting and enjoyable weekend. Please stop by and introduce yourself!
Generally, when my blog posts slow to a trickle, my readers can surmise one of the following logical reasons for my rare silence:
a) I'm deep in deadline mode for my next contributed artscope articles
b) The plague has infiltrated my castle, and I am fighting it tooth and nail with "crazy tea" and sharpened blade
In this case, the reason for my rare silence is: c), which is good news for everybody! Readers, now you can sign up to receive my shiny, tasty newsletter: Meredith Cutler Studio News.
This opt-in newsletter provides periodic updates from my very own art studio, including: event and exhibit invitations, sneak-previews of new work and exclusive special offers. Sign up using the easy, online form, and I promise to send you only the very best and most relevant of announcements. Click here for a preview of my latest newsletter.
If keeping up with STUDIO DEBRIS postings is more your M.O., subscribe to my rss feed using the reader of your choice.
Today I'm thinking I spent a good part of my day exchanging community-building ideas with a very large group of Providence arts community stakeholders - a forum which required supplies like: sharpies, kraft-paper, coffee, pushpins, sketchbooks...which led to more socializing (requiring supplies like beer and bar snacks).
If you think about it, most activities require supplies of some sort, so why not get them from a source you can feel good about? As part of my "if you can't make it yourself at least buy handmade" mission, I'm participating in an Etsy community supply sale this week with crostini*VS. Head over to Etsy, and search "Team ESST" for creative supply deals from fellow artisans and craft suppliers.